Subgénero: Electrónica/espacial/sintetista. En la vena de la escuela de Berlín (Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, etc). Instrumental.
Sintetista británico afincado en Barcelona. Este disco fue publicado conjuntamente en un doble CD con el segundo volúmen; en este post sólo se puede descargar el primero. En total son tres (el tercero fue publicado separadamente).
El título hace referencia a la "escuela de Berlín", etiqueta usada para designar a grupos de música electrónica de los 70, como los mencionados en el apartado de subgénero. En España, el principal exponente (y, posiblemente, también el primero) es Neuronium. Enlace en comentarios.
Year of release: 1999
Sub-genre: Electronic/spacey/synthetist. In the vein of the Berlin school (Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, etc). Instrumental.
Barcelona-based british synthetist. This album was released together with the second volume of the series, on a two-CD set; only the first volume is available on this post. The whole set consists of 3 volumes (being the third one released separately).
The album title makes reference to the genre labeled as "Berlin school"; some of its main exponents are mentioned on the sub-genre section. The most important (and possibly first) exponent of this genre in Spain is Neuronium. Link in comments.
4 comentarios:
Ken Martin - Berlin Impressions Vol. 1
I thank you for this record. And
for all the others, too.
Its ripping quality is very good.
What I would very much like to
hear, in the near future, is the
album "Elixir" (released in 1989,
if I'm not wrong), an album signed
by Michael Huygen.
Do you think that it is possible?
Yes, absolutely. Keep an eye on this blog, I'll post it soon.
Thanks for another great album,I will be getting the rest soon if you dont mind
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