1 - Elixir (reedición remasterizada en digipack)
Reedición remasterizada en digipack de 2003.
2 - (Sin nombre) (reedición remasterizada)
Existen 3 ediciones en CD de este disco: la primera, sin remasterizar y publicada en 1988, la segunda (ésta), remasterizada y publicada en 1997, y una tercera, re-remasterizada en digipack, que vió la luz en 2006. No he tenido oportunidad de escucharlas todas para comparar, pero la aquí disponible tiene un excelente sonido. En cualquier caso, la diferencia de calidad de sonido entre las reediciones de finales de los 90 y las re-reediciones post 2003, son ínfimas.
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1 - Elixir (remastered re-release on digipack)
Remastered re-release on digipack, 2003.
2 - (Nameless) (Remastered re-release)
There are 3 different editions on CD of this album: the first one is unremastered and was published in 1988. The second one (this one) is remastered and it saw the light of day in 1997. The third and last one has been re-remastered and released in 2006. It comes in a digipack. I haven't had the opportunity to hear them all in order to compare, but the one avaible here has an excellent sound. In any case, the sound quality difference between the second wave of re-releases (late 90's) and the last wave (post 2003) are barely recognizable.
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